Our records indicate that you are part of the old Amazon Brand Registry, but have not enrolled your brand in the new Amazon Brand Registry launched last year.
We will be deprecating the old Brand Registry in the coming months and we encourage you to re-enroll your brand in the new Amazon Brand Registry to avoid any disruption in service.
Currently, the new Amazon Brand Registry requires brands to have a registered trademark such as word mark or a design mark containing graphics and text that match your brand name.
To get started, please visit Amazon Brand Registry and use your existing Seller Central username and password. This is important as we want to make sure all your account information is carried over to the new Amazon Brand Registry. You’ll be asked to complete a new brand application for each eligible brand that you would like to enroll.
Dear Seller,
Our records indicate that you are part of the old Amazon Brand Registry, but have not enrolled your brand in the new Amazon Brand Registry launched last year.
We will be deprecating the old Brand Registry in the coming months and we encourage you to re-enroll your brand in the new Amazon Brand Registry to avoid any disruption in service.
Currently, the new Amazon Brand Registry requires brands to have a registered trademark such as word mark or a design mark containing graphics and text that match your brand name.
To get started, please visit Amazon Brand Registry and use your existing Seller Central username and password. This is important as we want to make sure all your account information is carried over to the new Amazon Brand Registry. You’ll be asked to complete a new brand application for each eligible brand that you would like to enroll.
Amazon Brand Registry
Amazon Brand Registry <amazonbrandregistry@amazon-brand-registry.com>