/wxweditor/lang/zh-cn/zh-cn-zh.js?v=4fff0 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6
--Utility bill with name and address visible
--Business license, if applicable
--If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days.
另外亚马逊还要求我们提交plan of action
按照要求,提交了信用卡账单和营业执照,由于目前还没有listing,所以第三个文件就没有弄,另外也提交了plan of action
但是提交之后 发邮件通知我们:
We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we have decided that you may not sell on Amazon.com